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  • With Ray-Ban Meta Headliner Smart Glasses you can express yourself with the most unique perspective there is – yours. Integrated with wearable tech, the lightweight frame enables you to listen, call, capture and livestream, all while staying present in the moment. The Headliner panthos shape is a hybrid of the Wayfarer and the Round, bringing together the best of two icons.


    Visit the official site for  detailed features and technology:!16196!3!676854207518!e!!g!!ray%20ban%20meta!20592569515!159194840852&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkeSsBhDUARIsAK3tiee89ImQvwODJoGKd55j2ZtF9HcU_Yd8LVaA2lF1cOWrowW8CpfD7JIaAgcUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


    Due to high demand, estimated delivery time may take more than 10 business days.


    Prescription lenses can be added to these Meta frames - please contact us directly.

    RAY-BAN Meta | Headliner

    C$0.00 Regular Price
    C$321.03Sale Price
    15 business days approximately before shipping out
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